Our Services

Bespoke Funds Management and Advisory

We specialise in fund formation, management, offshoring and advising on the selection of service providers. Whether it is to assist discerning family offices with turn-key solutions; or assisting yours in building a bespoke structure, we stand ready and are excited to help.

Strategic Asset Allocation

In a world where the velocity of money is ever increasing, and with it shorter and shorter cycles; what used to take 6-10 years, sometimes decades are now compressed into a mere few years. How best to take advantage of market myopia?

QE1, QE2, history rhymes but how will this end?

East vs. West; internet to splinternet as geo-politics plays out its dance.

Inflation or stagflation; Active or Passive? When the tide does go out would you rather be wearing pants?

Paradigm shifts, Crypto or metal? Disruptions or distractions? Bubbles and fads.

Of Bricks vs. bytes, or rather land with water rights?

If anything resonated with you, we should talk.

Accelerating innovation Fintech

We are partnered with one of Australia’s most exciting Fintech-focussed early-stage Venture Capital fund with a IRR of over 40% as at March 2021. Being an ESVCLP, it affords significant and immediate tax advantages for Australian tax residents and is capital-gains tax free at exit*. This fund is also applicable to SIV applicants.

* Independent tax advice is always recommended